Sustainable design from the North

The North is home to many interesting designers who are often self-producing as well. Trade and industry and the public seem to be little aware Continue reading Sustainable design from the North
The North is home to many interesting designers who are often self-producing as well. Trade and industry and the public seem to be little aware Continue reading Sustainable design from the North
After welcoming our Dutch colleagues and loading up on caffeine, we spent half an hour connecting, downloading and registering all the necessary computer programs. We Continue reading Workshop 3D printing OBS de Wielen
3D printing is wildly popular these days. And everybody has at some point seen or heard about this craze in the media, but most of Continue reading Workshop 3D printing in Groninger Museum
Represented at the meeting: The Netherlands de Krijtenburg: Ben Matoren, obs De Wielen: Jannet Bosma, Arjan Verbeem obs De Zeester; Cees Visser The House of Continue reading 3D Technology Project First Project Conference and meeting on Vlieland
Lucas said last week in newspaper de Volkskrant “Let’s not teach children to use a jig saw but to design 3D models.” This is exactly Continue reading House of Design: 3D printing at schools
Three Friesian schools want to reinforce their educational programme with three dimensional computer techniques. This week they started on an international project on the island Continue reading Printing toys in 3D
House of Design in Groningen has been teaching school children how to work with a 3D printer for some time now. Member of parliament for Continue reading House of Design Groningen is working on integrating 3D printing at schools
Printing in 3D is hip and extremely high tech. And it is environmental friendly. VHL student Tobias Strating is eager to demonstrate this with his Continue reading Anything is possible with a 3D printer
From Friday until Sunday, DesignXPO puts designers from Groningen in the spotlight. Visitors will get an impression of how a design is created. During the Continue reading DesignXPO offers a look behind the scenes