To design a 3D catcher for a marble in a roller coaster construction
- Age group 10-12
- /Age group 13+
- /Age group 9-13
- /All
- /Subject biology
- /Subject history
- /Subject math
- /Subject Physics
Visualising – touching and drawing
Feel an object blind and then draw it.
Printing Pursuit
Explore probability and game theory through designing a 3D game
From 2D thinking to 3D printing
Working with a 3D-printer forms a challenge to give children insight in the different stages of designing.
Working to a sustainable community
Teaching sustainability through play and storytelling. The 3D-printer is a tool to stimulate this.
Pumpkin Head
Model in clay, then 3D scan and produce a computer printable model
Hamburg 3000
Converting handcrafted 3D models to 3D computer models
Interpreting History
Interpret History with the use of 3D objects
Geographic Buildings
To explore geographic mapping of objects
Shapes with Maths
Understand the mathematical coordinates of three dimensional space through 3D printing.